Catalytic efficiency of bone extracted CaO for the trans-sterification reaction
In this study biodiesel synthesis was made by transesterification reaction of mufuko oil with methanol in the presence of a heterogeneous catalyst based on CaO extracted from bovine bones. The catalyst was prepared after the extraction of Ca2+ ions from bones with acetic acid, by precipitation of CaCO3 followed by calcination at 550 ºC to obtain CaO. The activation of the catalyst was performed at 200 ºC. The CaO and MgO composition of the catalyst was 97.50% and 1.75% respectively. Tomography analysis showed an abrasive crystalline structure and RD-X showed a parallelepiped shape with a density of 3.30 g/cm3. The biodiesel synthesis carried out using NaOH as catalyst showed a yield of 74.6% while with CaO, the same was around 69.8% with CaO, but for both the conversion rate is the same, about 94.3%. The biodiesel obtained by CaO catalysed transesterification reaction falls within the admissible limit values of the international quality standards defined by ASTM-D and EN/ISO. Thus, this study provides a new process of preparation of heterogeneous catalyst based on CaO, low cost and efficient to be used in the synthesis of biodiesel with an environmental advantage because values the use of waste organic matter.
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Direitos autorais 2021 Kabongo Mutobola Celestino, Pedro Guilherme João, Isaú Alfredo Bernardo Quissindo, Albano Kanga Manuel Manuel
Meio Ambiente (Brasil) | ISSN: 2675-3065